Wednesday, April 14, 2010

awek kena mau jaga maa~ [10SX]

w00p2! sebelum kalian mula mengumpat, izinkan hamba meng-explain-kan dahulu cerita sebenar. sebenarnya beliau adalah seorang laptop, jadi tak perlulah kalian bersusah payah mencipta cerita yang bukan2 pula mengenaiku.

hmm hari ni kena maigrain, mungkin sbb tak tidak tido langsung semalam + meeting + serabut pasal old faggot yg cari pasal dgn insan yg plg aku sayang (takpa, kau tnggu turn ko nt). jadi nk stdy pun tak boleh, nk buat objective pun tak leh tumpu, aku pun amik peluang utk mencuci kekasih keduaku ini lah (yg pertama duk mrajuk la plak, nt esok bru nk pujuk -,-")

jadi ni lah lebih kurangnya :

before operation

removing the front panel

carefully lifting up the keyboard
yellow wire - power supply for AlienFX
black wire - keyboard mapping wire

keyboard removed. internal hardwares exposed.

closer look :
left - Primary GPU
right - Secondary GPU
Middle - SLi Bridge (blue wire)

removing Primary GPU for cleaning

Primary Nvidia GTX280M

removing dust from heatsink using brushtooth

another angle. kinda thick dust. typical situation when you are livin in Egypt -,-"

removing and cleaning GPU fan

closer look of SLi Bridge. soo long compared to Desktop version -,-"

both primary and secondary GPU :
GTX 280M SLi
each of this powerful gonna cost you ~>RM 2150 (>USD600)
thus, RM 2150 x 2 = >RM 4,300, just for GPU -,-"

final touch-up before closing

replacing back the keyboard.
thanks to Hadi :P

closing back the back-panel

back-panel closed!

operation complete. ready to be ON.

checking GPU status via BIOS. everything looks fine alhamdulillah :)

now we are ready to roll.

p/s : the third picture from the last is for you hon :)