Saturday, November 6, 2010

Download SEM 5 Previous Batches Questions HERE

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

everything will be well explained in the package.

kindly download

and like usual - selamat menembak ;)

p/s : semoga rinduku padamu menjadi satu ibadat disisi Allah suatu hari nanti. insyaAllah.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

why YOU should be glad to be born as human..

check this post up yo.

p/s : suka. rasa dekat dgn keluarga. dengan kucing-kucing. dengan kamu. dengan Tuhan.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

nk tukar kekasih, tp tgh confuse...

17" WUXGA Screen
CORE i7-980X ( 3.33 GHz ) Hexacore (6+6 with HTT) (Desktop CPU Variant)
nVIDIA GeForce GTX 480M 2GB DDR5
6GB DDR3 1066 SDRAM (3x2GB)
1.5TB (7200rpm) Raid-0 HDD
IC Diamond for Thermal Compound

RM 13k

Pros :
1 - speechless-level-of CPU
2 - good cooling system
3 - 3 slots of HDD and RAM
4 - nVidia driver is much simpler to be tweaked.
5 - optimization of single GPU is better than muti-GPU
6 - slightly light compared to M17x.

Cons :
1 - lame-ass design.
2 - CPU is simply overkill.
3 - GTX480M is world best single GPU but 5870 CF is world best GPU.
4 - thick like nobody business.
5 - warranty issues. have to sent back to SG or USA if anything happened.
6 - expensive. still thinking why i need to pay more for something that current system still don't optimized - 12 cores of CPU = RM3k, 6GB RAM = 2.5k.

Alienware M17x-R2
17.0" WUXGA 1920 x 1200 - Beyond HD (1200p)
Intel® Core™ i7-720QM
CrossFireX Dual 1GB GDDR5 ATI Mobility Radeon(TM) HD 5870
1TB (7200RPM) Raid-0 HDD
Standard Thermal Compound

RM 9k

Pros :
2 - its Alienware - Best Gaming System, ever.
3 - bling-bling with AlienFX.
4 - full Aluminium body.
5 - superb after sales service and warranty.

Cons :
1 - attraction sometimes can be a problem.
2 - weight. but its fine since i do already own M17x-R1 for almost a year and already can adapt with the weight.
3 - i7 Mobility is not for gaming. stupid Intel is freakin stupid. stop creating crap and label it as gaming stuff.

"real man use real cores" - AMD.

GPU comparison list
1 - ATi HD5870 Crossfire
2 - Current system - GTX280M SLi
3 - GTX480M


still thinking, evaluating.
but once you'd poisoned by Alienware, its hard to betray them.


p/s : 10kg ok! nt balik sy mau tnya nii :D

Sunday, May 23, 2010

happy with them :)

kak iffah | Adek (Farah Hana) | Kak Rosa | Rina | Dr Salwa | Suffian | Mohannad | Izzat


geez, boring gila sikit-sikit bukak buku. facebook dah deactivate dah sebagai bukti nk study (konon). pstu mula lah jadi mcm kucing terkurung dalam rumah, kehulu kehilir tanpa tujuan...

em ni kali pertama aku rasa nk tulis pasal PBL group aku dlm blog. yg sebelum-sebelum ni pun teringin jugak nk tulis.. tp biarlah. keikhlasan itu yg penting kan. klu tulis-tulis tapi dlm hati tak ikhlas, yillek, zero.

Mansoura-Manchester Medical Program Semester 4, Group 15 (kot, lupaa~)
aku mula daftar nama kali pertama time second week dah time tu, sebab tiket ke sana balik sengaja beli lambat. mula-mula masuk.. err.. takdala saspen sngt kot sbb ada Kakda (cuba cari dia dlm gambar tu).

emm kenal Kakda dlu time kuar beli Desktop utk Yana. dia teman kitaorg, nt tak manis plak berdua-duan nt.. baik sngt Kakda tuu. matang. tp sedih plak tringat time PBL 1 case 10 tu... redhalah dgn kehendakNya.. rip :(
anyway! jgn sedih2 dah tau! Kakda ni sinonim dgn ceria-ceria, tak masuk dgn emo-emo ni ;)

pstu tgk muka kak Iffah, makk, seriuznyaa.. hehe. tp bila kenal lebih kurang gitu, takdelah serius sngt pun. cuma bit pendiam skit je. hehe. itulah! jgn menilai insan drpd rupa paras. sedangkan si Pencipta pun tak menilai luaran, siapa kita utk menilainya? :)

Adek pun sama. muka macam garang. tp tgk2 laa terjumpa dlm meeting JOM plak. ok jek si Farah Hana tu. cuma suka dgn duk kt blakang tu, halang ekon aku je kau ni.. -.-"

pstu Rosa. serius aku taktau Rosa ni tua pada aku setahun (ke 2?). sbb tu aku duk panggil kau Rosa Rosa je. huhu sorry! :D kak rosa masyuk. agak mengarut. lawak laa dgn dia. takdela stress sngt dlm PBL ;D

pstu Rini.. hehehe.. ini.. ini best! :D nk cerita ke tak aa..? hehehe... ok la ok la aku tak cerita laa. takut (insert name here) comel marah plak ntt :D hehehehhe!
baik si Rini nii. lemah lembut jee. salu duk bawah ketiak dr Salwa. eh maksud aku, salu duk sebelah Dr laa. hehe. lawak jugak dia ni :)

pstu Suffian plak. cakap bnyk jugak dia ni. klu dapat je obj anat, maksudnya second PBL tu mmg tak nampak batang hidung laa sbb tak reti explain kot. aku mmg dah agak dah pasal tu. pstu rambut plak serabai jek, bila nk gunting pendek pun ntah. ok ke dia ni? ok kot kan..

Monannad! ish time last PBL sedang makan-makan tu bruu la rapat dgn dia. parents kerja Doctor kt Saudi. kaya la isi tersiratnya. tp baik, bit pemalu skit. attitude dia pun dikira sngt bagus bagi aku, jika dibandingkan dgn (insert race here) yg lain..

izzat! atau lebih manja dengan panggilan Carut. Carut? apasal? ntah. org cakap sbb dia suka rap kot. hahaha. sngt aktif dlm PBL. aktif mcm hamster dimalam hari. kerja pun bagus, rajin. semat. hemsem. ah kira semua kau la carut. kau menang laa kali ni. hehe.

actually ada 2 org tak hadir last PBL ni :(
diaorg tu Ikhwan dgn Azrah. ada masalah kott hari tu, nk bt mcm mana, takda rezeki nk bersama kan.. both of them pun bguss, kerja mantap jugak. suka dpt kenal dgn diaorg :)

emm camna kita nk tau kita suka surrounding kita, kawan-kawan kita and everything?
apabila kita tak sedar masa cepat berlalu.. pejam celik, dah habis 10 cases. duhh, bru je nak kenal-kenal lagi. tak apa lah, semoga ini adalah permulaan utk ukhwah kita mula terjalin.

minta maaf jika ada sebarang salah silap sepanjang sama-sama menuntut ilmu kerana Allah. semoga kita semua tenang & berjaya dlm imtihan ini

insyaAllah :)

p/s : i reevaluating everything back. everything. searching if i ever mislooked any of His clue. thank you Allah for this chance.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Aktiviti Study Week aku? HERE!

selamat menembak ya kawan-kawan!

all the best ;)

p/s : maaf atas segala perkataan yang tak patut sy jugakan. maaf.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

cerita si kaya dan si miskin.

pada satu zaman ini, di sebuah bandar besar, terdapat seorang lelaki yg bernama Ali. Ali ini lahir dalam kemewahan, kesenangan yang dipunyai oleh ibupabanya. tak perlu Ali fikirkan apa-apa lagi mengenai harta kekayaan kerana segalanya telah disediakan kepadanya, sejak dia menghembuskan nafasnya buat kali pertama di dunia ini. kesenangan dan kemewahan yang Ali nikmati membuatkan dia berasa perkataan 'harta' itu tidak mempunyai apa-apa nilai dalam hati kecilnya.
Ali leka. tidak pernah Ali berfikir utk menjaga hartanya mahupun menggunakan hartanya kearah yang diredhai. semakin lama, semakin Ali tidak pandai utk menghargai harta yang dimilikinya, sehinggalah apabila dia terlewat utk sedar yang hartanya telah habis, hilang disia-siakan. lebih menyedihkan, tatkala Ali sedar akan keadaanya, segalanya telah terlewat....

Dan pada zaman itu juga, lahirnya seorang lelaki lain yang bernama Zaki. keluarga Zaki keluarga kampung. keluarga yang susah, senang kata. walaupun ibubapa Zaki berkerja keras, siang dan malam, mencari harta dan kemewahan, ia sentiasa tidak cukup bagi mereka sekeluarga. kehidupan Zaki benar-benar berlawanan jika dibandingkan dengan kehidupan Ali yang serba mewah itu. sejak lahir, Zaki tidak pernah merasai nikmatnya harta. tidak walau sekali. walau sekali. sehingga tidak tahu, bahawa betapa manisnya nikmat apabila memiliki harta sendiri.
tetapi rezeki manusia, hanya Allah yang mengetahui. entah semena-mena, Zaki mendapat harta. tidak banyak. hanya sedikit. tidak terbanding dengan apa yang Ali miliki dahulu. tetapi bagi Zaki, harta yg sikit itulah segala-galanya baginya. buat kali pertama, Zaki dapat merasai betapa manisnya perasaan apabila memiliki harta. dijaga oleh Zaki harta tersebut, setiap tahun, setiap bulan, setiap hari, setiap minit, dan setiap saat. benar-benar sayang Zaki terhadap hartanya itu. bahkan, Zaki tidak pernah berfikir dua kali utk mempertaruhkan nyawanya utk harta tersebut..


kadang-kadang manusia ini (aku) payah utk faham benda-benda yg tak nampak. kena di-analogy-kan dalam bentuk fizikal barulah mudah utk fahami, bukan menggunakan otak, tetapi hati.

renungkan kehidupan Ali, hidup dalam harta daripada baru lahir lagi.
itu adalah kita, hambaNya yang diberi nikmat Islam (harta) ketika sejak kecil lagi, sejak menghembuskan nafas pertama di alam Allah yang sementara ini. dengan nikmat yang diberikan oleh Allah sejak lahir lagi, tanpa susah payah mencari, tanpa susah payah menjaga; ia menyebabkan kita (aku) tidak tahu utk menghargai Islam ini sendiri. apa yang mahu dihargai? bukannya kita bersusah payah, diseksa utk mendapatkan Islam. ini adalah faktor dimana kita(aku) hanya menjadi seorang hamba Allah yang hanya Islam pada nama. Islam pada kad pengenalan. kita(aku) jarang berusaha utk menjaga islamku ini. bahkan ada sesetengah keadaan, malu, utk mempertahankan islam nauzubillah...

mari bandingkan dengan kehidupan Zaki - seorang pemuda yang tak pernah merasai betapa manisnya harta..
seorang kafir yang tidak merasai nikmat Islam seumur hidupnya, tetapi ditakdirkan Allah, beliau mendapat hidayah dan memeluk islam. tidak bnyk yang Allah kurniakan kepadanya, hanya Islam. hanya Islam dan tanpa sebarang ilmu-ilmu lain. tetapi perasaan manisnya, sayangnya dia terhadap Islam itu, subhanallah.. jauh lebih drpd kita(aku).. hambaNya yg sebegini sentiasa menghargai nikmat Islam itu lebih daripada kita. pernah kita lihat hambaNya yg sebegini, memeluk islam dan menjadi mat rempit? menjadi perogol, pembunuh, penzina? selalunya itu hanya dilakukan oleh kita. kita yang lahir terus dalam nikmat Islam ini..

- please highlight the space above to see hidden message -

sekarang masih tidak terlewat utk menghargai harta ini.
ia tidak pernah terlewat.
tidak pernah.
sehinggalah ia benar-benar terlewat.

terima kasih buat sahabat-sahabat program JOM yang secara tidak langsung mengubah diri hamba Allah yg kecil ini.
semoga Allah membalas jasa kamu & kerja ikhlas kita insyaAllah :)

p/s :

Monday, May 10, 2010

Set Password for Microsoft Word Document.

1 . pastikan anda mempunyai komputer atau laptop yg telah di switch ON.

2 . pastikan juga anda telah meng-install program Microsoft Word 2003 / 2007.

3 . double click pada program tersebut.

4 . tulis segala umpatan rahsia anda, atau rahsia-rahsia peribadi mahupun segala keuntungan anda bagi businesswoman / businessmeng.

5 . click CTRL + S utk save -> Set File Name -> kiri pada button Save, ada button Tools -> click button Tools -> kuar List -> click General Option -> Set Password kamu.

6 . click Wokeyy.

7 . Qhalas.

pic related - example

note that : this option is available for most of the Microsoft Office programs.

p/s : thanks Allah. it is actually imaginable... -.-" :P

Sunday, May 2, 2010

what can we do to help her? ;(

Dr. Aafia Siddiqui

"The power you gave them to torture me, rape me and every time allow them to search me naked. I’m dead. I was dead since the very first time I was raped, searched naked, each and every time you need to present me in court – I’m searched naked… Leave me alone or send me back to my country Pakistan.
– Dr. Aafia Siddiqui


very sad, isn't it ;(

she is nowhere near us.
if she's near us, do we have physical strength to help her?
do we have political ability to help her? *i cant believe i am sayin this shiat*
or you don't even give a damn about her since you know nothing about this woman?

is this moment, we as His follower only have pray as our way to help. may Allah give her internal strength to her family and herself.

credit : Bro Loq

More about her case : Here!

p/s : if you sacrifice your love for Allah, He will give you His love. Syukran gzillan, ya Allah... [Allah's love = anything, everything, something, someone...]

Friday, April 30, 2010

soo... which one is YOU?

sooo.. which one is you?
feelin butthurt? lulz.

p/s : sama-sama suka. sama-sama berusaha. sama-sama doa. sama-sama berharap... selagi kita di jalan Allah, insyaAllah, doa kita diterima :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

what imma gonna do with this?

even i already achieved this level, yet my lust still thinkin to upgrade to Sager NP9280 with Intel Core i7 Extreme 980 3.33 GHz [hexacore (6 physical + 6 HTT = 12 Cores)]. but just chill, lets wait for Nvidia GTX480M SLi or ATi HD5900+ or ATi HD5870 Crossfire Mobility to be released first.

what imma gonna do with this?
nothin, just for the lulz.

p/s : starting to collect money. target = at least reaching RM 13.5k for the sake of lulz.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

change your facebook password now before its too late!

Russian Hacker Selling 1.5 Million Facebook Accounts; Change Your Password Immediately

According to Mashable, a Russian hacker named Kirllos is claiming to have obtained 1.5 million Facebook IDs and is planning to sell them for as low as $25 per 1000 IDs. If the hacker’s claims are true, the 1.5 million accounts represent approximately 1 in every 300 Facebook users.

In an article for eWeek, Rick Howard, director of cyber-intelligence at iDefense, explains how the exposed Facebook accounts could just be the beginning of a more orchestrated cyberattack.

“Once you have the name and address and other profile-type information from a social networking site, you can use it to corroborate your way into debit card accounts and bank accounts through social engineering, ” Howard added. “You could also use these accounts as a platform to distribute malware through the friend system. Even as a security guy, I have to double and triple clutch when it comes to accepting friend invites from people that I do not know.”

Facebook has yet to respond to the accuracy of the claim, but just to be safe you should change your Facebook log-in information immediately. To change your password, click the Account tab in the upper right hand corner of your profile and select Account Settings. From there, select the Change option next to Password and you will be prompted to input your old password and select a new one.

sos cili

p/s : this kirloss dude is soo 1337. changed mine already btw. how bout you?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Better kerap bc Quran. klu tak...

kalu tak, jadi mcm ni :

ehehehe... :P

p/s : just wanna make you smile. get well soon!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Junko Furuta - The Girl Who Went through 44 Days [UPDATED + Manga]

DAY 1 - November 22, 1988
- Kidnapped
- Kept captive in house, and posed as one of boy’s girlfriend
- Raped (over 400 times in total)
- Forced to call her parents and tell them she had run away
- Starved and malnutritioned
- Fed cockroaches to eat and urine to drink
- Forced to masturbate
- Forced to strip in front of others
- Burned with cigarette lighters
- Foreign objects inserted into her vagina/anus

DAY 11 - December 1, 1988
- Severely beat up countless times
- Face held against concrete ground and jumped on
- Hands tied to ceiling and body used as a punching bag
- Nose filled with so much blood that she can only breath through her mouth
- Dumbbells dropped onto her stomach
- Vomited when tried to drink water (her stomach couldn’t accept it)
- Tried to escape and punished by cigarette burning on arms
- Flammable liquid poured on her feet and legs, then lit on fire
- Bottle inserted into her anus, causing injury

DAY 20 - December 10, 1988
- Unable to walk properly due to severe leg burns
- Beat with bamboo sticks
- Fireworks inserted into anus and lit
- Hands smashed by weights and fingernails cracked
- Beaten with golf club
- Cigarettes inserted into vagina
- Beaten with iron rods repeatedly
- Winter; forced outside to sleep in balcony
- Skewers of grilled chicken inserted into her vagina and anus, causing bleeding

DAY 30 - December 10, 1988
- Hot wax dripped onto face
- Eyelids burned by cigarette lighter
- Stabbed with sewing needles in chest area
- Left nipple cut and destroyed with pliers
- Hot light bulb inserted into her vagina
- Heavy bleeding from vagina due to scissors insertion
- Unable to urinate properly
- Injuries were so severe that it took over an hour for her to crawl downstairs and use the bathroom
- Eardrums severely damaged
- Extreme reduced brain size

DAY 40 - January 1, 1989
- Begged her torturers to “kill her and get it over with”
- Junko greets the New Years Day alone
- Body mutilated
- Unable to move from the ground

DAY 44 - January 4, 1989
- The four boys beat her mutilated body with an iron barbell, using a loss at the game of Mah-jongg as a pretext. She is profusely bleeding from her mouth and nose. They put a candle’s flame to her face and eyes.
- Then, lighter fluid was poured onto her legs, arms, face and stomach, and then lit on fire. This final torture lasted for a time of two hours.
- Junko Furuta died later that day, in pain and alone. Nothing could compare 44 days of suffering she had to go through.
- When her mother heard the news and details of what had happened to her daughter, she fainted. She had to undergo a psychiatric outpatient treatment . Imagine her endless pain.
- Her killers are now free men. Justice was never served, not even after 20 years. They deserve a punishment much greater than they had put upon Furuta, for putting an innocent girl through the most unbearable suffering.....

my tears flows when the first time i read about this.
my heart dropped.
i'd speechless.
i think i am evil enough to face this.
but nope. i can't.

anyway for the sake of yourself, always remember :
Rule 28. There will always be more fucked up shit than what you just saw/knew.

note : credit to Dora for this idea.

p/s : thanks for the sharing tonight. appreciate it so much :)


Link to download a Manga about wicked crazy killer storys of Japan. please highlight the below space to see the link (spoiler)

[ ]

copy link di atas & paste di address bar. ia akan terus sampai ke Rapidshare website & terus boleh download.

!!! WARNING !!!
18SX + 99SG -

my personal opinion : girls really shouldn't read this. i shit you not.


Roccat Kave 5.1 Real Surround Headphone.

this thing is real good.

picture related - during evaluation after ~80 hours of burning.

evaluate using Foobar2000 v1.0.2.1

will post full review about this later.

whatever my review says, this headphone is worth more than what you paid.

p/s : semoga Allah bersama kamu dalam apa jua keputusan kamu. insyaAllah, wahai sahabat :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

awek kena mau jaga maa~ [10SX]

w00p2! sebelum kalian mula mengumpat, izinkan hamba meng-explain-kan dahulu cerita sebenar. sebenarnya beliau adalah seorang laptop, jadi tak perlulah kalian bersusah payah mencipta cerita yang bukan2 pula mengenaiku.

hmm hari ni kena maigrain, mungkin sbb tak tidak tido langsung semalam + meeting + serabut pasal old faggot yg cari pasal dgn insan yg plg aku sayang (takpa, kau tnggu turn ko nt). jadi nk stdy pun tak boleh, nk buat objective pun tak leh tumpu, aku pun amik peluang utk mencuci kekasih keduaku ini lah (yg pertama duk mrajuk la plak, nt esok bru nk pujuk -,-")

jadi ni lah lebih kurangnya :

before operation

removing the front panel

carefully lifting up the keyboard
yellow wire - power supply for AlienFX
black wire - keyboard mapping wire

keyboard removed. internal hardwares exposed.

closer look :
left - Primary GPU
right - Secondary GPU
Middle - SLi Bridge (blue wire)

removing Primary GPU for cleaning

Primary Nvidia GTX280M

removing dust from heatsink using brushtooth

another angle. kinda thick dust. typical situation when you are livin in Egypt -,-"

removing and cleaning GPU fan

closer look of SLi Bridge. soo long compared to Desktop version -,-"

both primary and secondary GPU :
GTX 280M SLi
each of this powerful gonna cost you ~>RM 2150 (>USD600)
thus, RM 2150 x 2 = >RM 4,300, just for GPU -,-"

final touch-up before closing

replacing back the keyboard.
thanks to Hadi :P

closing back the back-panel

back-panel closed!

operation complete. ready to be ON.

checking GPU status via BIOS. everything looks fine alhamdulillah :)

now we are ready to roll.

p/s : the third picture from the last is for you hon :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Game.

first of all, you just lost The Game for people that already know about this :P

ok long thing short :

The Game adalah satu permainan minda yang paling ringkas pernah dicipta.

sebaik sahaja kamu mengetahui wujudnya permainan ini, secara automatic kamu telah menyertai permainan ini.

tiada kemenangan dalam permainan ini. hanya kekalahan yang menanti.

kamu akan kalah apabila kamu mengingati perkataan The Game.

dan apabila kamu kalah - kamu perlu menyatakan kuat-kuat kekalahan kamu.
contoh : ah crap. i juz lost da game dammit!

dan sesiapa yang mendengar statement itu juga secara automatic telah kalah kerana dengan mendengar statement itu, beliau juga telah teringat mengenai The Game.

kepada sesiapa yang baru kalah, kamu juga perlu menyatakan out loud kekalahan kamu.

just let the chain reaction occur naturally.

adalah tidak OK untuk benci kepada The Game kerana ia akan menunjukkan kamu adalah nerdfag.

tetapi adalah OK untuk membenci kepada Player yang telah kalah - kerana dia telah menyebabkan kamu telah kalah.



please click for enlargement.

sos :
1 -
2 -

p/s : if any of you still 404, you are really pure nerdfag.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


aku cuba daripada 3 hari lepas dan luangkan masa at least 3 jam sehari utk jayakan, tp still tak berjaya.

tnggu la lepas exm nt.


p/s : beli, atau tak? hm...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Rules of The Internet by Anonymous.

1. Do not talk about /b/

2. Do NOT talk about /b/

3. We are Anonymous.

4. Anonymous is legion.

5. Anonymous does not forgive, Anonymous does not forget.

6. Anonymous can be horrible, senseless, uncaring monster.

7. Anonymous is still able to deliver.

8. There are no real rules about posting.

9. There are no real rules about moderation either — enjoy your ban.

10. If you enjoy any rival sites — DON'T.

11. You must have pictures to prove your statement.

12. Lurk moar — it's never enough.

13. Nothing is Sacred.

14. Do not argue with a troll — it means that they win.

15. The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it.

16. There are NO girls on the internet.

17. A cat is fine too.

18. One cat leads to another.

19. The more you hate it, the stronger it gets.

20. It is delicious cake. You must eat it.

21. It is delicious trap. You must hit it.

22. /b/ sucks today.

23. Cock goes in here.

24. You will never have sex.

25. ????


27. It needs more Desu. No exceptions.

28. There will always be more fucked up shit than what you just saw.

29. You can not divide by zero (just because the calculator says so).

30. No real limits of any kind apply here — not even the sky



33. Desu isn't funny. Seriously guys. It's worse than Chuck Norris jokes.

34. There is porn of it. No exceptions.

35. If no porn is found of it, it will ...

p/s : it changes me to become like this...